Management Committee Meeting


14th September 2021

9:45 Registration
10:00 Opening by project coordinator Prof. Raivis Žalubovskis
10:10 Presentation of the obtained results in the Work packages and actual tasks for the next project year
WP1-WP4, Raivis Žalubovskis
WP5, Aiva Plotniece
WP6, Elina Erdmane
WP7, 1st Report Period, Raivis Žalubovskis
10:50 Financial issues for the SPRINGBOARD’s 1st Report period
Dace Karkle, Deputy director of LIOS
11:10 Coffee break
11:40 Actualities of Widening participation and spreading excellence in the Horizon Europe programme
Kaspars Kalniņš, Latvian National Contact Point
12:00 Actualities of Health cluster in the Horizon Europe programme
Uldis Berkis, Ministry of Education and Science
12:30 Discussion with Advisory board members
13:00 Closing