SPRINGBOARD kick-off meeting
28th September 2020
14:00 Opening
Osvalds Pugovičs, Director of LIOS
14:10 Introduction
(project partners and Advisory Board, approval of the Advisory Board)
14:30 Presentation of Work Packages
WP leaders (5 min for each WP)
15:10 Financial issues of SPRINGBOARD, Dace Kārkle, Deputy Director of LIOS
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Actualities of Widening Participation and Spreading Excellence in Horizon Europe,
Kaspars Kalniņš, Latvian National Contact Point
16:15 Actualities of Health clusterin Horizon Europe,
Uldis Berķis, Ministry of Education and Science
16:30 Presentation
Agne Dobranskyte-Niskota, the Project Officer
Karina Firkaviciute, Policy Officer/ Country Desk Representative for Latvia
17:30 Discussions and closing remarks
The New Twinning Project led by the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis will further strengthen its Potential in the Development of New Antibacterials (PRESS RELEASE)
As of September 2020, the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS) has started the implementation of a 3-year project Springboard for excellence in the advanced development of antibacterials (SPRINGBOARD). SPRINGBOARD is funded by the European Union Research and Innovation programme Horizon 2020 under the Twinning call Spreading excellence and widening participation.
The main goal of the SPRINGBOARD project is to strengthen the research potential of LIOS in the field of advanced discovery and design of novel antibacterial drugs through establishing a sustainable and long-term collaboration with leading counterparts – University of Antwerp, University of Copenhagen, University of Florence, and the University of Helsinki. The coordinator of this project is Professor Raivis Žalubovskis from LIOS.
Scientists from LIOS, especially early-stage researchers will have opportunities to study new approaches and methodologies in discovering new antibacterial agents, participate in staff exchanges, attend conferences, participate in specialized training that supports excellence in science and build capacity for participation in competitive joint project proposals.
SPRINGBOARD dissemination and outreach activities will contribute to actual socio-economic challenges in connection with widespread infectious diseases and increase public awareness for the necessity to develop new antibacterial drugs for combating antimicrobial resistance.
The virtual kick-off meeting of SPRINGBOARD was held on the 28th of September, during which the partners discussed the implementation of the various actions planned under the project.
On the 29th of September in a semi-virtual Topicalities in antibacterial drug design seminar, outstanding professors from the universities of Antwerp, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Florence, Montpellier, and Wageningen provided a comprehensive overview on the current landscape in the discovery of novel antibacterials.